Shrewsbury Genealogy Club Blog

Welcome to the Shrewsbury Genealogy Club Blog! Anyone can post questions, comments, suggestions, etc., and anyone else can respond to these queries. It's a chance to "meet" folks who share a common avocation, and to exchange ideas with them. Enjoy!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Info - MSOG Worcester Chapter November Meeting

The next meeting of the Worcester Chapter of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists is scheduled for Saturday, November 7, 2009 from 10 AM to 12 Noon, and will feature a guest speaker as described below.

"Lisa Remiszewski, What My Mother Left to Me (or something like that) Sharing of the ‘gift’ Lisa’s mom let to her and how we can leave such a treasure to those we love!

Lisa Remiszewski is a teacher who spoke at the Worcester Public Library conference in May 2009. She held her audience spell-bound with her sharing and was IMMEDIATELY asked to speak to the Worcester Chapter this year! Hopefully what she has to share will keep us all busy through the upcoming winter months (and longer)!"
-- Brian Lingard


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